[21] Baeten, A (2017). "Fluid Structure Interaction
Analysis of Composite Structures exposed to Sloshing,"
ISOPE-2017-039, San Francisco, USA
[20] Baeten, A (2016). "Floating Body Wave Interaction
Simulation using a Lagrange Approach," PACOMS-2016-001,
Gold Coast, Australia
[19] Baeten, A (2016). "Wave Load Simulation on Submerged
Offshore Structures using a Lagrange Approach,"
ISOPE-2016-TPC-0155, Hawaii. USA
[18] Baeten, A (2015). ""Lagrange-based Modeling and
Testing of Composite Structure Impact Dynamics," 53rd AIAA
Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibiti, Kissimmee, FL,
paper AIAA-2015-2022452
[17] Baeten, A, Barm, S, Dorsch, J K, Gottfried, L,
Rotter, J (2013). "Floating Body in Wave Current
Simulation using a Finite Particle Approach,"
ISOPE-2013-TPC-0192, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
[16] Baeten, A (2012). "Finite Particle based Elastic
Structure Dynamics Modeling for LNG Sloshing Analysis,"
ISOPE-2012-TPC-0113, Rhodos, Greece
[15] Baeten, A (2012). "Composite Tank Structure Dynamics
Modeling based on Finite Particles," 71th Annual
Conference of Society of Allied Lightweight Engineers
(SAWE), Bad Gögging
[14] Baeten, A, Thalhofer, U (2012). "Modeling of Coupled
Diaphragm-Liquids-Dynamics for Space Applications," 50th
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Nashville,
TN, paper AIAA-2012-0095
[13] Baeten, A, Jüttner, J C, Sauer, D (2011). "Analyse
des Aussetzverhaltens eines Pico-Satelliten", Deutscher
Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Bremen
[12] Baeten, A (2011). “Coupled LNG Carrier
Sloshing-Structure Dynamics in a Lightweight Multi-Tank
Configuration,” ISOPE-2011-TPC-119, Maui, Hawaii
[11] Baeten, A, Jüttner, J C (2011). “Orbit Insertion
Dynamics of a Pico-Satellite with respect to Coupled
Solid-Liquid Dynamics,” 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences
Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, FL, paper AIAA-2011-0391
[10] Baeten, A (2010). “LNG Tank Sloshing Parameter Study
in a Multi-Tank Configuration,” ISOPE-2010-TPC-212,
Beijing, China
[9] Baeten, A, Jördening, A, (2010). “Spacecraft Thruster
Efficiency Optimization with respect to Coupled
Solid-Liquid Dynamics,” 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences
Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, FL, paper AIAA-2010-1446
[8] Baeten, A(2009). “Optimization of LNG Tank Shape in
Terms of Sloshing Impact Pressure,” ISOPE-2009-TPC-128,
Osaka, Japan
[7] Baeten, A (2009). “Prediction of Spacecraft Fuel
Dynamics in Microgravity,” 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences
Meeting and
Exhibit, Orlando, FL, paper AIAA-2009-1320
[6] Baeten, A (2008). "Dynamic Wave Impact Simulation
using an Innovative Particle-Cluster Scheme ,"
International Congress of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics (ICTAM), Adelaide, Australia
[5] Baeten, A, Stern, D (2008). “Prediction of Dam Break
Hydrodynamic Wall Pressure,” ISOPE-2008-TPC-105,
Vancouver, Canada, July 06-11
[4] Baeten, A, Stern, D (2008). “Prediction of Highly
Dynamic Airborne Tank Fuel Sloshing and Impact Effects,”
46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno,
NV, paper AIAA-2008-0658
[3] Baeten, A (2007). “Liquid Sloshing Simulation Using a
Three-Dimensional Particle-Cluster Approach,” Phd Thesis,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen
University, Germany
[2] Baeten, A, Gleissl, R (2005). “Prediction of Fuel
Impact Effects on Tank Pitch Characteristics during
Jettison,” NATO-RTO AVT 123, Budapest, Hungary
[1] Baeten, A, Gleissl, R (2004). “Prediction of Tank Fuel
Sloshing during Jettison,” NATO-RTO AVT 108, Williamsburg,